Student Launch – Northwest Arkansas is a non-profit organization created to serve the needs of public high school students within Northwest Arkansas by removing financial barriers that prevent students from applying to higher education institutions and other post-graduate opportunities. This is achieved by providing qualifying students with financial aid to cover the cost of college application fees, trade school application fees, and study materials and registration fees for standardized tests such as the ACT or SAT.
Your donation will be used to support in-need public high school students applying to higher education institutions. Donations will be used to pay for college application fees, trade school application fees, standardized test registration fees, study materials, and general operations of the organization.
Recipients submit an application detailing their contact information, the funds they are requesting, and their reason for requesting the funds. Student Launch - Northwest Arkansas verifies the student with the email provided. Applicants are chosen based on financial need and the availability of funds at Student Launch.
Stripe is a payment services provider that lets merchants/organizations accept credit and debit cards or other payments. It is used by some of the world’s largest companies. Student Launch - Northwest Arkansas uses Stripe to accept donations. All data entered is encrypted before the transaction is processed. See the security measures Stripe takes at
Any information you disclose on our website is secure. We use All-in-One Security (AIOS). AIOS provides us login security, firewall and file protection, content protection, etc. The Student Launch - Northwest Arkansas website has the most rigorous and up-to-date security and firewall plugin. We work to ensure that your data is as secure as possible!
Please reach us at if you wish to become involved. Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness!